I am moving from this province in just a little more than 2 weeks and I have mixed feelings...I am excited to get back 'home' but there are lots of things I will miss about this place and that makes me a little sad to be going. So, here's my list of what I'll miss:
1. My house. I love the layout and the way we decorated it.
2. My big, beautiful green yard. We have so much space here.
3. That it takes less than 5 mintues to get anywhere in town - grocery store, appointments, visiting friends.
4. The friends I have made here. Especially those who had babies at the same time I did. It's been great to get to have that bond of being pg together, meeting all the little ones when they are a day or two old and watching them grow up before our eyes together...I don't think it will be quite the same with Moms I meet at the other end.
5. The lush, untouched, rugged beauty of this Island.
6. The weather...it never get extremely hot or cold or snowy.
7. I will miss the connection I feel with my dogs here b/c we all lived here together and I won't have memories of them with us in our new home.
8. I will really miss how safe I feel here b/c it's such a small town.
9. The fall leaves in all their vibrant glory...they are breathtaking.
10. The freshness of the ocean air.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10 things I will miss about NS
Posted by Julie at 3:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Disappointed by Dad AGAIN!!!!
You'd think I'd be used to being disappointed by my Dad by now after more than 30 years of it, but no. I continue to hope that he will change and start to be supportive and helpful. I don't how I manage to keep setting myself up for such huge falls but I do.
We are thrilled to have finally sold our house. Excited to be moving back to Ontario and our home town. My in-laws have really come through for us and have been incredibly helpful and supportive. They are moving to their cottage and will be letting me live in their house with the kids while DH does his 3 years in Toronto. They've been cleaning, moving out their furniture and making necessary repairs to the house to get it ready for us.
The move for us involves a trek halfway across the country so we are trying to figure out the easiest way to do this with two little kids. We decided the best thing would be for me to go out ahead of the movers with the kids and stay with my Dad for a week to 10 days while our house in NS gets packed up and moved to Ottawa and then unloaded. You'd think by the way he carries on about how much he misses his grandchildren that he would be happy to have us stay with him. So, when I asked him if it would be ok that we stay there while waiting for our move to take place I was shocked that he hesitated, then made lame ass excuses and in the end offered to ask my brother if we could stay with him instead. argh!!!
My Dad is going through a divorce and his wife is moving into her new home July 6th. Our house closes on July 15th, so I planned to leave NS July 11th or 12th, which I thought would be enough time for my Dad to get his house organized after K moves out all her stuff. He is retired for goodness sake! Anyway, he said that he can't have us stay there because he won't have a kitchen table and chairs set, or a dining room suite and he doesn't have an extra bed either.
He lives in a huge 3 bedroom home, which will be pretty much emptied out when K moves. You'd think he'd have already made purchases or at least had a plan to get some new stuff. Her move has been planned since March!!! Nope, he seemed pretty ticked when I asked him if he plans to leave all those empty rooms unfurnished for long. He said he's trying to find second hand furniture b/c he doesn't want to spend much on replacing things. Good grief! I know for a fact that the guy is not hurting for $$, he's just cheap. So, he said we can't stay there because he won't have furniture. That's the lamest thing I have ever heard!
I don't want to force it and argue with him so I left it. After thinking about it more DH and I agreed that staying with my brother is not a practical option for us or for him and the kind hearted guy that he is I know he wouldn't say no to us. He works long hard hours and needs his sleep. Baby girl somtimes wakes up in the middle of the night and I don't think it's right to put him out that way. Plus, he's a neat freak with a beautifully decorated home and no kids so I think he would find it stressful to have us there for a week or more. I called my Dad back and told him not to bother talking to my brother that we would figure out something else. The f'ing guy has the nerve to end our conversation by saying...if you need anything at all just let me know. Ya, right! F*** You! I think it will be a long time before I get over this one.
Posted by Julie at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
We have a deal!!!!
Our buyer got the financing he needed to be able to make us an unconditional offer before he sells his house.
So, our house is now SOLD! The closing date remains the same - July 15th. It will be a very hectic 26days between now and then, and I imagine for some time after but at least we're on our way home.
Posted by Julie at 5:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Bad ideas and bad news
I was down in the dumps today. I just had a yucky feeling in the pit of my stomach about the delay on removing the conditions on the sale of our house. So, I kinda mopped about all day. Finally, late this afternoon I decided I needed to get out of the house to take my mind off the stressfull stuff.
Well, I learned that it's a bad idea to go shopping thinking you're gonna fit into any of the cute stuff you like just because you've recently lost 35lbs... that 25lbs I have left to loose was laughing loudly at me today.
So, the shopping did not really help me feel better but the idea that things would go well with the completion of the sale on our home was a bright spot to think about right? Nope, bad idea.
This is why one should not to let herself get excited about something that is not yet a done deal. Because that's where I was yesterday. I was looking forward and allowing myself to feel happy and excited that we'd were so close to closing the deal. Today we got the bad news we were dreading...
So, when your incompetent realtor unexpectedly called you on a Saturday evening it's a very bad idea to hope, for even one second, that it's going to be good news instead of the bad news you're half expecting to hear because you'll be twice as disappointed when you do hear the words: "Well, there's been a small glitch on the buyer's end".
I just want to crawl into bed and wake up when the phone rings somtime on Monday to let us know whether we've got an unconditional offer or not.
BTW the small glitch is not a small glitch it's that the buyer's deal fell through on the sale of his house! Call me crazy, but to me that's not a small problem! So, unless he can work something out with the bank we won't have the sale and we'll be back at square one.
Ack! This sucks.
Posted by Julie at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 15, 2007
Another long weekend ahead
Booo! Our buyer can't lift his conditions yet because his buyer is still waiting on the results of his well water test. So, we have to wait until Monday to know if we for sure have a deal.
This waiting crap is for the birds! Ack!
Posted by Julie at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Waiting, waiting, waiting...
It's June 15th at 2pm and we are still waiting to hear whether the buyer has met his conditions yet. He did indicate the other day when he was here doing the home inspection that he may need a few more days but that it wouldn't affect the original closing date of July 15th... Boy, it sure would be nice to know what's going on.
DH says no news is good news...I know he's right but, it sure would be nice to know what's going on...
Posted by Julie at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fate or something else?
As time ticks away and we get closer to a real deal on the sale of our house I have been pondering how these events have unfolded for us. All day I can't seem to get out from under the thought that fate or something else magical had a lot to do with how things are turning out for us.
Our house was the market for nearly 8 months with not much action as we waited wringing our hands, hoping and praying someone would come along soon and buy our house so we could just move to Toronto.
Then, only few days after we decided to just go ahead and have me move to Ottawa with the kids things started happening fast. It's not like this buyer just came along and saw our house the day before he put in his offer...he sat on it for over 2 months. Had he put in his bid earlier we would have either not been moving at all (since we took a lot less for our house than we could afford to loose if we were still going to TO) or we would already be living in Toronto.
It's funny how things work out. Maybe it's fate or my Mom's spirit protecting us and guiding us from heaven, or maybe it's neither and just it's dumb luck...
I'm not a fan of the dumb luck theory and it warms my heart and makes me feel really good to think it's my dear Mom's doing in a mystical, magical way of influencing the fates.
Thanks Mom xo
Posted by Julie at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Almost there....
Our buyer did an inspection of our house yesterday. DH was here for it and said it went well. We are still awaiting somekind of update from our realtor but we believe that things are going to proceed with the sale without any further negotiation.
The buyer just needs to wrap things up with his sale so he can remove his conditions on our contract in the next couple of days and then we are good to go!
As long as all goes as planned our closing date is July 15th. Yahooo!!!!
Posted by Julie at 5:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I didn't think I'd feel this way when we sold
We got an offer the other day. It was ok but not great. In the end they refused our counter and were going to walk. We choked back our pride and decided to accept the original offer so that we can move on.
The last eight months of having our house on the market have worn us down. Plus, last week we made a big decision which enables us to take less for the house. After trying so hard to negotiate a deal with DH's employer to get his transfer changed to allow him to go to Ottawa and failing to do so got us thinking about what we really want.
We really want to be able to buy DH's parents' house. We want to raise our family in that town. We know that DH's new work involves a lot of business trips so whether we are in Ottawa or Toronto I will be alone at least half the time with the kids. We know it will be so much better for me and the kids and our finances to just relocated to Ottawa now. So, we've decided that I am going to live in DH's parents' place with the kids. DH will find room and board accommodations in Toronto for work. He can work out his 3 year contract there and then he's free to move to Ottawa.
With the conditional sale of our house - they have until June 15th to remove their condition and then it becomes final - I find myself feeling an incredible mix of emotions.
I feel like I want to barf when I think of what a great price the buyers of this house are getting because they were real assholes to deal with.
I am nervous about DH having to travel so much for his job.
I am thrilled about getting to go home to Ottawa with the kids.
I am worried about how much of a toll this living apart half the time will take on our marriage.
I am relieved that I will have friends and family nearby to help me while DH is away.
I am frustrated that we had to take a huge loss on our house here to get it sold.
I am happy that it won't kill us financially now that we have worked out a good deal with DH's parents.
I am sad that may be nearing the end of our time in our very first home.
I want to move on but in a weird way I am kind of hoping the deal falls through so we can try to get more money for this house and deal with much nicer buyers.
I need time to let it sink in. When that happens I know I will be able to let go of the negative feelings I have about this sale and the turkeys we're selling it to. Only 8 days to go until we find out if we do indeed have a deal. Until then, I am sure these feelings and more will be swirling around in my head....I truly never expected to feel this way when we finally came to the point where the move could really happen. I thought I would just be happy and stressed about the details. I am surprised there is so much more there.
Posted by Julie at 9:25 AM 0 comments